The Official Marty Locks Locksmith Blog

We hope to include here anything and everything you need to know in the locksmith world, currently under development.
Take a look around, we're sure you'll find something that interests you in the meantime.
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The Rise of KIA and Hyundai Car Thefts
Automotive Locksmith
Unlocking the Mystery of Car Theft:
The Rise of KIA and Hyundai Car Thefts

Car theft is a crime that has been around for as long as cars have been on the road. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable increase in the theft of KIA and Hyundai vehicles.
With the rise of how-to videos on social media, it seems that young people are taking advantage of the ease with which these cars can be stolen...

Residential Locksmith
The Lock Mystery: Replace or Rekey?
The Foolproof Guide to Identifying a Genuine Local Locksmith